
The (Re)makings Of A Brand

Creating a new logo for a 25 year old company is not an easy task –  especially when it’s your own brand that’s undergoing the facelift. As we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of our company, we felt that it was the perfect time to reintroduce The King Agency and tell our story in a more engaging way. Over the past six months, we took a thorough look at our outward brand and decided we needed to highlight what makes us so unique.  


Here’s a glimpse into the process we used to get to our brand promise, “Built By Yes!” and the look and feel that brings it all to life. While this is the same approach we take when our client’s need a new or refreshed brand,  this time we turned the mirror around on ourselves.


It’s important to succinctly say what your organization does and what the key differentiators are, but it’s equally important to define what you aren’t. For us, we’re not a  flashy startup, the biggest agency, or the smallest. But no matter the ask, internally or externally we always come from a place of yes. Being honest about your true nature will help you hone in on what makes you great.


Over a series of hours-long all-agency sessions, our team used different design learning exercises to analyze our strengths, weaknesses, and hopes for the agency. Once we narrowed down to what rang true to each of us, we went deep on those commonalities to more accurately establish our mission, core values and key differentiators. Those elements helped build our brand house, a diagram that served as our go-to reference going forward


We always advise our clients to take a step back when rebranding, but sometimes your own advice is the hardest to put into practice. It’s easy to come to the table with bias and baggage, after all, this company or organization is something you live and breathe everyday. One of the most important parts of a rebrand is to think like an outsider, because at the end of the day, someone with zero knowledge of your world is likely who you are trying to attract.


Once we landed on the can-do nature of our people as our not-so-secret ingredient and key differentiator in our space we wove that common thread through everything. From our brand promise of “Built By Yes!” to our approachable website design, to our friendly visual language and tone we ended our journey with one cohesive and memorable brand.  


We’re happy with where we ended up and even happier with where we’re headed. If you’re ready for a rebrand of your own, give us a shout. We’re ready to get you to yes!


The King Agency is an award-winning marketing agency offering a full suite of communications services including advertising, branding, digital, and strategic marketing, at any scale. Based in Richmond, Virginia, with offices in Atlanta and Virginia Beach, The King Agency has been helping turn businesses into award-winning brands for more than 25 years. To learn more visit thekingagency.com or email hello@thekingagency.com