
Recession or Not Here’s Why Advertising is Always Worth It

Fresh Ideas Today

There have been a ton of takes on our economy this year. Some say we’re still headed for a recession despite positive economic indicators. Others argue that we’re already out of the woods. And perhaps the most accurate take – it’s complicated. Regardless of the economic landscape, investing in strategic advertising and fresh ways of thinking… Continue reading Recession or Not Here’s Why Advertising is Always Worth It

Nostalgia FTW

For The King Agency’s 25th anniversary party, we turned the clock back to the year we were founded and discovered that some other big names were born in 1997. We paid homage to our fellow quarter-century celebrant Netflix and once again brought something entertaining to mailboxes around the country. The party invitation was printed on… Continue reading Nostalgia FTW

The (Re)makings Of A Brand

Creating a new logo for a 25 year old company is not an easy task –  especially when it’s your own brand that’s undergoing the facelift. As we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of our company, we felt that it was the perfect time to reintroduce The King Agency and tell our story in a more… Continue reading The (Re)makings Of A Brand

The Colors Behind Brands — Virginia State Parks

The King Agency recently completed an amazing recruitment campaign for The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation to help promote seasonal employment opportunities for their more than 50 Virginia State Parks. Take a look at our strategic approach to the design and messaging of this multi-channel campaign: A BETTER JOB. NATURALLY. The Virginia Department of… Continue reading The Colors Behind Brands — Virginia State Parks

5 Ways to Shop on Social Media

Since the pandemic hit, the way we shop has changed dramatically. Gone are the days we go to the mall for items we’ve been pining over for months. Gone are the days where we wait weeks for an item to be delivered to our home. Now, everything can be ordered online and appear on our… Continue reading 5 Ways to Shop on Social Media